30 Day Challenge

How does it work?

We host two 30 Day Challenges every year, and they are powerful ways to build your confidence, create community, and completely transform your life. The idea is to build a daily habit of practice, positively impacting your health mentally, physically, and spiritually. Over the years we’ve witnessed transformations of all sorts, and incredible community at the studio. The challenge brings an encouraging and engaging energy, and the studio is THE place to be during it. For every class/talk/masterclass attended at DLS, add a colourful sticker to our chart to track your progress.

The goal is to get to 30 classes (Masterclasses or Sol Sessions) within the 30 day period, so doubling up some days is a great way to meet your mark if you can’t come daily. Our class schedule is structured in ways to help, such as having a gentle class immediately after a challenging one, offering a back to back option that really works to your benefit.

We offer specialized Masterclasses during our Challenge to aid you in your practice and bring it to the next level. Watch this page for the schedule!

Our annual Sol Session Series is a part of the Challenge, allowing you to take your yoga off the mat in a new way. A Sol Session (our version of Ted Talks) counts as a class in the challenge, and they can be attended both in person and virtually. Learn more here!

We’re so excited for you to join us in this fun and uplifting time!

See you on the mat soon!

Spring Challenge: April 2 - May 1, 2024

Challengers, mark your calendars for the final completion and prize party: Sunday, May 5th, 5-6pm

Masterclass Schedule

  • Crow Flow Masterclass

    Friday, April 5th
    5:30-6:45pm, Sun Ro

    Join Amber in this Masterclass that explores the intricacies of Crow Pose, guiding students through proper alignment, breath control, and mental focus. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned yogi, discover the transformative power of this foundational arm balance, as you cultivate resilience and inner stillness.

  • Yoga-Dance-Flow Masterclass

    Saturday, April 13th
    11:30-12:45pm, Sun Room

    Join Aislin for a class designed for those who love yoga and feel called to explore new ways of moving, finding freedom in the body, and tapping into the flow within you. Yoga-Dance-Flow takes place on and around your mat as you are guided to explore new ways of connecting to the body and space within and around you. It links traditional yoga poses, elements of dance, breathe, and music to allow you to release, express, connect, play, and have fun. There is no prior dance experience required, only your openness to a new movement experience.

  • Headstands Masterclass

    Monday, April 15th
    8:00-9:15pm, Sun Room

    Join Amber in this Masterclass is a comprehensive exploration of headstands. Suitable for all levels, this masterclass will support you as you build confidence, strength, and a deeper connection with your inner self. Join us and discover the empowering benefits of turning your world upside down.

  • Go Yin-Side Masterclass

    Wednesday, April 24th
    7:30-8:45pm, Moon Room

    Join Steph to explore the softer side of Yoga. The concept of Yin and Yang is one of balance: interconnected, opposing forces coming together bring homeostasis to all things. If your yoga practice only includes hot, fast athletic movements, you are missing the other half of the same coin. A yin and meditative practice cultivates rich insights, clarity, peace and self compassion that comes from being in stillness with yourself and others. It is a chance to go deeper into your practice: the physical, emotional, and energetic bodies. Our session will include longer held, grounded poses, breath work, meditation and a chance to be truly present with yourself and what is. Explore for yourself why Yin is In!

Join the Challenge!


Unlimited Class Access,
Masterclasses, Sol Sessions



Unlimited Class Access,
Masterclasses, Sol Sessions



Unlimited Class Access,
Masterclasses, Sol Sessions



Masterclass Drop-In


Prices do not include HST

Fall Challenge: October 15 - November 13, 2024