Example Card:

How to Play

At any time during the month, grab a card of choice (different ones available) and start collecting stamps!

The goal is to get bingos by stamping 5 squares off in a row diagonally, horizontally, or vertically.

The overall goal is to fill the entire bingo card by getting every square stamped off!

Every class attended you can get up to 2 squares only (if applicable), stamped off by a teacher or desk staff. Which means, if you’re strategic, by attending 2 classes, you could already get a BINGO!

Every BINGO, you get to put your name into a corresponding jar for your prize of choice! You can get 12 Bingos on one card! Keep playing on the same Bingo card until it’s full!

Once your card is complete you can enter it in the grand prize draw! Then grab a second Bingo card and keep playing! Only one card on the go at a time.

BINGO is an annual FREE game the studio offers to help build community, and help educate students more about what is available to them at the studio. It sparks curiosity, conversation, and is a bustling good time! There are even prizes to help motivate you, as well as a grand prize! There’s quite literally nothing to lose, only to gain, from this fun, casual, month-long game you can take at your own pace. Game ends the last day of the month, with the prize draw on the second day of the following month.

Play BINGO with us for FREE annually in

February & June