Upcoming Workshops & Courses

Open Mic Night

Studio attendees, join us for a delightful evening of poetry, music, and community. Bring your instruments, voice, and a song or two to play and contribute. We have so many incredible musicians at our studio, and we can’t wait to gather again and share in this special event! Registration not required.

Friday, May 17th | 7:30-10pm | FREE (performance not required to attend)

Relax & Restore with Gorica & Christine

Join Gorica and Christine in this guided practice that will leave you with a sense of peace, tranquillity and pure bliss! Relax & Restore is an experience to completely calm the mind, relax the body, and soothe the soul. It combines elements of Restorative Yoga and Yin Yoga styles, Relaxation Massage, and Aromatherapy to help calm your nervous system, concluding with a live, soothing crystal-bowl sound-bath while in savasana. Enjoy some soothing tea, and to relax before or after the experience.

Friday, May 24th | 7:30-9pm | $49 +HST

Inversions 101 with Linda

The connection we have with mind-body in our yoga practice is truly the gift of yoga. In this workshop you will begin with a beautiful strengthening practice, aligning the body with hands on teacher support and interactive conversation. Learning, feeling, and seeing the bodies alignment and the difference it can make in your practice, whether you are a beginner or have been practicing for decades, is what this workshop is all about. 

 The second half will be using supports to get you into some beautiful inversions, carefully, mindfully and safely. You will learn the basic fundamentals of the beauty of inversions in our lives and how to incorporate inversions into your practice. The workshop will conclude with a long supported savasana to have you walking away enlightened. 

Saturday, May 25th | 9-11:30am | $49 +HST

Special Class with Claudia

Experience the unique magic of Claudia's class - a truly transformative journey for your mind, body, and spirit. Claudia combines kundalini practices, mind-shifting techniques, soulful flows, and an electrifying playlist for a one-of-a-kind experience. Whether you've tried Claudia's classes before or not, now is the time to join this exceptional session. Feel revitalized and full of anticipation for what's to come after experiencing her class. Elevate your practice and enrich your life with Claudia's guidance!

Sunday, May 26th | 4:30-5:45pm | $29 +HST

The Chakras: A Guided Exploration

Join studio owner/director Katie McClelland for one of her all-time most popular guided meditations, taking you deep into your own chakra system. Our chakras are energetic 'organs' that relate to different aspects of our physical, mental and emotional health. Understanding the chakras opens up whole new realms when it comes to personal development and healing! This 90min session includes a deeply relaxing guided meditation with some gentle movement.  Open to anyone who is curious about learning more about these potent energetic centres!

 *This is part of a workshop series Katie is offering. Sign up for all six - either live or virtual - for $199, a savings of $35!

Tuesday, May 28th | 7-8:30pm | $39 +HST, or $199 +HST for all 6 | In person or Virtual

Join Stephanie for seasonal self-care sessions. Learn physical, emotional, and subtle body practices reflecting the seasons. Workshops include movement (yoga, qi gong, functional movement), stillness (Yin yoga, meditation, Reiki), yoga therapy (myofascial release, self massage, Tapping), inquiry, journaling, and conscious rest (Restorative yoga, Yoga Nidra). Connect with nature and align mind-body practices with the seasons. Incorporate teachings from Yoga, Energy Medicine, Meditation, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Qi Gong. Target specific organs, emotions, and energetic pathways of each season. Align inner world with outer world.

Summer of Love: Seasonal Strategies to open your heart, mind and soul to Joy, Love and Celebration this summer season.

Sunday, June 2nd | 2-4pm | $44 +HST

Sacred Saturdays - Flow and Restore with Sound Healing with Steph and Stephanie

On the Saturday evening closest to the New Moon, join Stephanie DeBou and Stephanie Heartsong for a sound healing experience like no other. We'll move our bodies in a gentle, ease-filled, slow flow practice and then prepare our beds and bodies for deep rest. Supported by props, and wrapped up in cozy blankets, we will immerse our senses in the soothing sounds of Heartsong Medicine. Enjoy an extra long Savasana, enveloped by tranquil sounds of chimes, quartz bowls, song and more, as we welcome the New Moon energy of renewal, beginnings, and possibility. Bring your only yourself, your intention and an open mind, and invite in the power of the New Moon to manifest your deepest desires.

Saturday, June 1st | 7:30-9pm | $49 +HST

Women’s Circle with Alexa & Becky

Come for a candlelit evening of being real with other women, as we move, breathe, share, laugh, connect, and cry in a safe space as sisters. Connect with your feminine energy, and others as we celebrate and explore together. Gather with women to build community and intimate connection to each other and yourself. Dress in something that makes you feel comfortable, feminine and confident. Bring a journal, a friend, and an open mind.  All generations of women welcome! 

Itinerary includes: Cacao Ceremony, Intention Setting, Breathwork, Community Exercises, Hands on Assist/Massage, Gentle Yoga , Dance, Meditation, Essential Oils

Saturday, June 8th from 7-9pm | $49 +HST

Perfecting your Vinyasa: Mastering the Flow

Gain valuable insights and refine your vinyasa/Sun Salutations alongside owner and director Katie McClelland. Discover expert techniques for enhancing your plank, push-up, upward and downward dog poses, making them both feasible and gratifying. Dive into mastering the art of jumping back, forward, and through to a seated position under Katie's guidance. Get ready for numerous breakthroughs and enlightening "ah-ha" moments!

Tuesday, June 11th | 7-8:30pm | $39 +HST, or $199 +HST for all 6 | In person or Virtual

Introduction to Arm Balance

Join studio owner/director Katie McClelland for a fun exploration of crow, side crow, flying pigeon, forearm balance, and of course, handstand!

This workshop is for students who can't do arm balances but want to learn the building blocks on how to approach these challenging, playful and empowering poses - and - for folks who can balance on their hands but want to find more stability and lightness in their poses. An ability to arm balance is NOT required for this workshop!

Tuesday, June 18th | 7-8:30pm | $39 +HST, or $199 +HST for all 6 | In person or Virtual

Summer Solstice: 108 Sun Salutations

On the upcoming Solstice, join Katie as she leads a unique class of 108 Sun Salutations. This special practice is a time-honored tradition among yogis, symbolizing reverence for the rhythm of nature and the shifting seasons. The number 108 holds deep significance in various cultures and spiritual practices, signifying profound transformative energy. Secure your spot for this complimentary event promptly to partake in this meaningful experience with our community.

Friday, June 21st | 6-7:30pm | Free, registration required

Inversions: Turn your World Upside Down

Join studio owner and director Katie McClelland for a fun and enlightening exploration into the world of inversions! An inversion involves any yoga pose where the head is positioned below the heart or the legs are elevated above the head or heart level. These poses offer a unique way to slow the heart rate, reduce blood pressure, engage the restorative aspect of the nervous system, and allow us to view things from a different angle. During this session, participants will delve into shoulder stands, forearm balances, legs up the wall, traditional headstands, and their variations. Gain insights on how to safely incorporate inversions into your practice and discover the optimal alignment for these tremendously beneficial postures!

Tuesday, July 2nd | 7-8:30pm | $39 +HST, or $199 +HST for all 6 | In person or Virtual

Yamas and Niyamas

Join studio owner/director for a fascinating discussion on the classical ethical guidelines for leading a yogic lifestyle both on and off the mat. Explore ways to include these observances in your own life journey, in a way that feels applicable and authentic to you!

 The Yamas (moral vows) are: Ahimsa (non-harming), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya (celibacy or 'right use of energy'), Aparigraha (non-attachment)

 The Niyamas (duties or observances) are: Saucha (cleanliness), Santosha (contentment), Tapas (discipline), Svadhyaya (study of the self), Isvara Pranidhana (surrender to a higher power)

 Tuesday, July 9th | 7-8:30pm | $39 +HST, or $199 +HST for all 6 | In person or Virtual

Hip Heaven

Walk in with tight, aching hips and leave with a shiny new pelvis! This workshop begins with a warm up and some active hip openers, followed by a floor series at the wall using straps and blocks that is absolutely heavenly. Initially challenging, and then ultimately nourishing and relaxing. A generally good level of fitness and mobility is recommended.

Tuesday, June 4th | 7-8:30pm | $39 +HST, or $199 +HST for all 6 | In person or Virtual